Find & Clear Stressors

Approach, Part 1 ~ Find & Clear Stressors

Everyone has different health and life goals, and Quantum Breakthroughs is dedicated to helping you meet yours.  Our approach is designed to empower you to naturally, rapidly and easily de-stress, re-learn healthy patterns and balance and revitalize your system, so you have the focus, inspiration, courage and fuel you need to re-construct new health and life realities.

We look at yomagnifying glassur energy system like detectives.  How robust is your energy flow? What’s draining your energy?  What’s blocking the communication between your physical body and energy field? What’s clogging your energy channels and cellular matrix?  What’s fogging your brain? What’s weighing on your heart and mind?  Why is your system bogged down?

Breaking Through Blockages to Awareness & Well-being

Our coaching is positive and relaxing, and it keeps the focus is on what’s right, not what’s wrong. We reflect the wholeness of your body-mind-spirit so you can get to know your spiritual capacities and engage them to make the subtle adjustments you need for powerful transformations.

We aim to help you build awareness of what’s needed to de-stress your system and to nourish and sustain your physical vitality, mental clarity,  emotional balance, and spiritual anchoring.  We train you to generate the self-compassion, resolve, willingness and courage to take responsibility for decisions and set goals for a robust health so you can overcome inner resistance, stop doing what’s stressing you, and start doing what’s needed.  We teach WOMAN-IN-GLASS- smalleryou to engage in ‘resonance entrainment’, a process based on the science of quantum physics, to rapidly and easily clear blockages, progressively align your physical and energy bodies, and tap into the healing power of spirit to relax deeply and support your body’s innate recuperative abilities.  With our coaching, tools and techniques, you can learn to:

  • sense patterns and blockages in energy flow and build awareness of stressors taking you off-course
  • harmonize body, mind and spirit to:
    • maximize the flow and bio-availability of energy to revitalize your cells
    • relax deeply and reverse the dangerous tides of chronic stress and counteract acute stress reactivity before it takes deeper hold
    • break the cycle of pain impacting your emotions, sleep, ease and quality of life
    • fortify your body’s innate abilities to detoxify, repair, regenerate, balance, purify and correct itself
    • increase your overall emotional and physical immunity and resilience with energizing nourishment, exercise and quality R & R
    • intuitively discern what is true and personally relevant and where to focus your process
  • keep stress at healthy levels to minimize tension, pain, illness and loss of time:
    • relax with calming activities such as meditation, deep breathing, being in nature
    • recognize early warning signals so you can nip stress in the bud
    • skillfully manage stress reactions, stress triggers and stressful situations
    • care for the health of your bodymind in gentle, synergistic ways
  • recover your focus and energy from stress and pain:
    • feel well, clear, alert, balanced, peaceful, positive and productive
    • increase your mental clarity, attention, focus, concentration, dexterity and memory
    • re-direct your focus and energy into health and life goals

human hand with a piece of puzzleAll Quantum Breakthroughs services focus on coaching you to de-stress.  Empower yourself to reduce stress and pain, harmonize your physical and energetic bodies, relax deeply, and revitalize your whole self with Relax & Energize.

Relax.  Be peaceful.  Be Well.  Be happy.

go to Approach, Part 2: Empower Consciousness & Harness Energy

Quantum Breakthroughs